Have you ever wondered why some people are able to come up with brilliant ideas and invent innovative products literally “out of thin air”? Perhaps you believe that invention is the destiny of a few with a special gift or mindset. You look at innovators as if they were gods and sigh: “I could never do that.” Is that you?

🆘 Even if you are an experienced developer, engineer or technologist, you struggle time after time with complex work tasks, experiencing the so-called “torments of creativity”. Ideas and solutions have to be literally “sat out”, but you are not sure of their quality and novelty. As a result, you feel squeezed out and in despair think: “Maybe I’m just not capable of inventing?”

🆘 If you are a business owner or a top manager, you shudder at the thought of the need for innovation and how to make it part of your company’s DNA. You see how competitors are outpacing you and releasing innovative products, but you yourself are marking time, copying existing solutions over and over again. You hold brainstorming sessions, but they only produce banal ideas. You are at a loss as to how to make your company an innovation leader in the market.

🆘 The lack of the above-mentioned inventive thinking skills can become a serious limitation in your career, business and life. Without them, you risk being left on the sidelines, and then the solutions to your vital problems turn out to be not the most vital, and the joy is not so joyful. You are doomed to continue solving problems by trial and error, guessing, burning out and trying out options blindly. It is more difficult for you to offer valuable ideas, solve non-standard problems, create breakthrough products – and this is exactly what modern employers and the market expect from you.

🙏🏻In fact, you are not alone, because most people do not know how to invent, much less do it systematically. Because of this, the world loses a huge number of potentially valuable ideas and breakthrough solutions, and you lose the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, realize your creative potential, climb the career ladder and contribute to the development of the industry and the improvement of society as a whole.

Recent research in the neuropsychology of creative thinking has shown that inventing is actually a set of skills that can be learned. What distinguishes inventors from ordinary people is not a “gift from God” or genetics, but a few special thinking techniques, usually no more than one or two or three, that were learned by the child as a result of the circumstances or environment that he intuitively and successfully continued to use against the background of natural dopamine reinforcement.
🙏🏻Fortunately, these techniques can be replenished and multiplied many times at any age as a result of targeted practices. Our training program includes about 20 such techniques and models of thinking, upon mastering which your former inventor-idol will be left to rest on the sidelines!

🔥 At Think-Tech Center, we have proven that anyone can become an inventor and innovator – you just need to master the right tools. That is why 30 years ago we set ourselves the goal of adapting and simplifying the legendary classical TRIZ, making it convenient for anyone who wants to raise their creative potential to an unprecedented level.
🔥 For this purpose, in 1997, a unique algorithm TRIZ-IL was developed and successfully implemented, and now an even more advanced AI-SIS Constructor using AI models.

🔥AI-SIS technology is a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of systemic invention and the result of scientific cooperation of experts in TRIZ and digital technologies. The project was developed by engineer I. Guro under the supervision of Professor A. Chernobylsky and combined 30 years of practical experience of Think-Tech with the latest achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and knowledge bases.
🔥 We will share with you more than 30 years of successful experience in solving various inventive problems. Our graduates note that the training has turned their understanding of creativity upside down. What was previously considered impossible has become an activity full of drive, and the search for ideas has turned from the inevitable “torments of creativity” into delight and inspiration.
🔥As a result of thirty years of application of the TRIZ-IL and AI-SIS Constructor algorithms, very high efficiency and speed have been achieved in solving the most complex problems, many of which were considered “unsolvable”.

Think-Tech’s activities are recognized and highly valued in the professional community in Israel and abroad.

🏅 24.11.2011 The Council of the European University (Germany) awarded Dr. A. Chernobelsky the honorary title of professor with the presentation of a diploma and a badge. The Council’s decision states: “Your creative path and your knowledge have received high praise. You are the author of many publications and patents. The systematic approach you use to develop inventive thinking in creating new technologies and products using the theory of inventive problem solving and functional cost analysis undoubtedly deserves attention.
We highly appreciate your active and important professional activity for people.”
🏅 On July 8, 2013, the Presidium of the European Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Prof. A. Chernobelsky the title of Honorary Inventor of Europe for outstanding results in his professional activities.
🏅 Think-Tech’s activities have been recognized with numerous commendations from the Israeli Hi-Tech and Defense Industries (see here)

✈️ Today, Think-Tech proudly presents the innovative online platform AI-SIS, which takes the process of creating inventions to a whole new level. It is the evolution of the legendary TRIZ methodology and our previous platform TRIZ-IL, embodied in a digital format.

Welcome to the “School of Inventive Mastery and Innovative Strategies”

Our training is based on:
✅ A unique technique that helps to fix techniques in the subconscious and repeatedly accelerate creative thinking on the drive through natural dopamine reinforcement
✅ Quick assimilation of educational material in an exciting and understandable form
✅ Focus on practicing automatic work skills
✅ The ability to use your real cases and tasks in training
✅ Familiarization with the training tools AI-SIS Platform and AI-SIS Constructor

The development of systemic inventive thinking using this method provides the following advantages:
✅ Ability to solve complex problems at work or in business faster than colleagues and competitors
✅ Ability to come up with unconventional ideas in any field and situation
✅ Reputation as a valuable creative employee or innovative leader
✅ Accelerated career growth and transition to positions that require unconventional thinking
✅ Inspiration from constantly generating fresh ideas and approaches at work and in life
✅ Increased self-esteem and a positive attitude from the feeling of possessing a super-ability to invent.

Мы предлагаем 3 формата обучения в зависимости от вашего опыта и целей:

1. Course “I am a systemic inventor!”
For whom: developers, engineers, technologists, scientists and everyone who dreamed of learning to think much faster and more creatively and create inventive masterpieces.

What you will learn:
✅ master dozens of techniques of systemic invention and their application
✅ create new effective neural models of thinking
✅ go beyond the usual patterns and discover unlimited creative potential in yourself
✅ see solutions where others see only problems

This course opens the door for you to a world of superpowers that you could only dream of. You will learn not just to generate ideas, but to invent systematically and purposefully using clear algorithms and techniques. You will be able to take a fresh look at any problem, see its essence, quickly find dozens of solutions and choose the best ones. You will become a universal innovator, capable of thinking outside the box in any situation with a constant drive and desire to create.

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2. Course “Guru of Systemic Innovations”
For whom: those who want to raise their skills to an expert level, generate innovative creative ideas when solving technical problems at the level of complex projects.

What you will learn:
✅ Deeply analyze tasks and resolve contradictions when designing in complex systems
✅ Identify and use hidden, non-obvious system resources
✅ Invent “ideal” systems that require a minimum of resources and provide maximum benefits
✅ Create inventive masterpieces that are as technologically advanced as possible in implementation
✅ Work with computer and mobile versions of the AI-SIS Constructor

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3. Course “Leader of Innovative Strategies”
For whom: business owners, top managers, heads of departments who want to bring the spirit of innovation and invention to their company.

What you will learn:
✅ Think like a visionary – anticipate trends and create products “ahead of the curve”
✅ Use the AI-SIS platform as a basis for technological and product strategies
✅ Create and launch “on stream” systems of continuous innovation in the company
✅ Build an innovative corporate culture through staff training
✅ Build processes for searching, selecting and quickly testing ideas
✅ Turn invention into a norm at every level of the company.
✅ Monitor and improve technological processes, quality and cost of products.

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Choose your path to becoming an inventor and sign up for a free consultation right now!

There you will be able to:
👌 Scan your inventive potential on a special neurotest
👌 Identify growth zones and select the optimal program for your goals
👌 Talk to an expert about yourself, methods, etc.
👌 Learn about special training conditions for corporate clients
👌 Visually familiarize yourself with the innovative AI-SIS platform

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👌 For everyone who signs up for an interview – “7 key conditions for successfully solving any inventive problem” in .pdf format – as a gift!

✈️ Our graduates are engineers, specialists, and innovators from the Israeli Defense and Aviation Industries, Rafael, Hanita, and other renowned tech giants known in Israel and beyond.
✈️ Don’t miss your chance to join the elite of inventors and become one of them by mastering the art of inventing!

Click on the button

 Sign up for a free consultation

and start your journey into the world of innovation under the guidance of the Honorary Inventor of Europe prof. A. Chernobelsky.

About us:
🌐 Think-Tech is a center for the study and application of models of systemic inventive thinking, created in 1994 by leading Israeli engineers and inventors led by prof. A. Chernobelsky.
🌐 Our mission and goal is to make the AI-SIS methodology accessible to everyone and help companies and professionals implement innovations systematically.
🌐 Over 30 years, we have trained thousands of people, helped many companies from various industries solve complex technological problems and launch innovative products. Among our clients are the Israeli Aviation Industry – IAI, the Israeli Military Industry – IMI, Teva, Amdocs, Rafael, Mekorot, MTRE, Hanita and many other industry leaders.

🚀 We are passionate about making invention the new literacy of the 21st century and believe that creative engineers, entrepreneurs and leaders are the key to building a better future on Earth.
🚀 Join Think-Tech and become the owner of the most sought-after knowledge on the market!

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Any questions? Call or write to us:

Phone: 052-6776205
and evaluate the capabilities and functionality of the AI-SIS platform with us.