✈️ Today, Think-Tech is proud to introduce the innovative online platform AI-SIS, which takes the process of creating inventions to a fundamentally new level. This is the evolution of the legendary TRIZ methodology and our previous platform TRIZ-IL, embodied in a digital format.

✈️ The heart of the platform is the powerful AI-SIS Constructor with a learning function, which contains a set of unique techniques for finding breakthrough solutions. With it, even a novice engineer can find innovative ideas for the most complex problems. AI-SIS Constructor will become your “guide angel” in the world of innovation and will help you experience creative insights when solving non-standard problems.
✈️ The key feature of AI-SIS Constructor is its versatility. It is equally effective when used individually on a PC or smartphone, as well as when used as a corporate innovation management server, which allows you to continuously generate and implement fresh ideas, engage the entire team in invention and grow innovators within the team.
✈️ AI-SIS technology helps an engineer-inventor get closer to solving a problem in the shortest possible way, while obtaining a series of high-quality and breakthrough results, and at the same time technologically advanced for implementation and implementation.
✈️ AI-SIS platform positively changes the process of innovation management within a company, when the manager has instant access to any problem being solved and sees the entire solution process in the most structured and understandable form, without needing any external help or information.
✈️ The improved AI-SIS Constructor has been reduced to 9 clear, one-way steps when solving a problem of any level of complexity, while the classic ARIZ involves more than 80 steps when solving such problems.
✈️ We have significantly changed the analysis of the problem, the classification of contradictions and their processing, which allows us to most accurately and quickly understand the problem, identify multitasking, etc.
✈️ Additionally, a new functional module was created, which allowed us to bring solutions to their technological perfection during implementation.
✈️ Our approach is based on adapting the AI-SIS platform with AI modules to the requirements of the modern, rapidly changing world in Israel and abroad, simplifying complex concepts, and training in practice. Our experts are experienced engineers-inventors, certified teachers, and innovation masters with implemented cases in dozens of companies in Israel, America, South Korea, Germany, etc.